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Arcadia Fallen (PC)


Wciel się w młodego ucznia alchemika, który zostaje związany z nielegalnym duchem. Nagle wciągnięci w wojnę między ludzkością a magią, muszą dołączyć do grupy nieprawdopodobnych bohaterów, aby uciec przed własną zagładą, miejmy nadzieję, że po drodze ocalą świat.

🌍 Global
⚙️ Steam
🗝 Digital key

Arcadia Fallen is a Roleplay Visual Novel, where your choices shape the personality of your character. Will you be shy, bold, or the one forever making jokes?

Play the role of a young alchemist apprentice who is unwillingly bound to an illegal spirit. Suddenly drawn into a war between humanity and magic, they must join a group of unlikely heroes to escape their own doom, hopefully saving the world along the way.

A Story With No Right Or Wrong Choices

  • Venture on a journey with no bad endings. Your decisions will never keep you from going on but may influence what you will have to endure before you reach your goal.
  • Dialogue options with tone labels. You decide whether your character is shy, bold, or the type to make a joke of any situation.
  • Whether you want to become a master of alchemy, engage in a romance, or discover the mysteries of the world; how you spend your time is up to you.

Character Customization & Growth

  • Create your alchemist in your own image or play out a fantasy.
  • You decide how traumatic events sculpt and grow your alchemist’s personality. When faced with a tragedy, will you be benevolent, or will you be vengeful?